

The OCBC Cashflo Mastercard is an innovative financial tool tailored for the savvy spender. This credit card is not just a payment instrument; it’s a gateway to smarter spending, offering cashback on everyday purchases and a unique auto-installment plan that adds flexibility to your financial planning.

Harnessing Everyday Spending for Rewards

With the OCBC Cashflo Mastercard, your spending habits transform into rewarding experiences. This card ensures that every transaction – a simple grocery run or a dinner out – contributes to your cashback earnings. Its standout feature, an unlimited 0.5% cashback on all retail spending, means every ringgit you spend works harder for you.

Tailored Benefits for the Smart Consumer

Unlimited Cashback: Earn a continuous stream of cashback with no caps – 0.5% on all your retail spending.


Auto-installment Payment Plans (Auto-IPP): Convert purchases of RM500 and above into interest-free installments spread over 3 to 6 months.

Financial Flexibility: Choose how you manage your significant expenses, easing budgetary pressures.


Zero Annual Fees: Enjoy these benefits without the burden of annual fees.


Eligibility and Application: Stepping into the World of OCBC Cashflo Mastercard

When considering the OCBC Cashflo Mastercard, understanding the eligibility criteria is your first step toward a successful application. This card, designed to cater to a diverse range of consumers, stipulates clear and concise requirements to ensure that applicants are well-suited for the financial responsibilities it entails.

Eligibility Criteria: Setting the Stage for Your Application

Age Requirement: Being at least 21 years old is the primary condition. This age criterion reflects maturity and financial independence, essential for managing a credit card.

Nationality or Residency: Applicants must be Malaysian citizens or permanent residents. This requirement is crucial to ensure that users have a stable financial foothold in Malaysia, which is significant for any long-term financial commitment.

Income Threshold: A minimum annual income of RM24,000 is mandatory. This figure is not just a number; it represents your financial health and ability to manage additional credit. It’s set to a level that indicates a stable and reliable income, ensuring you can handle your expenditures and credit card payments efficiently.

Credit History: A good credit history is indispensable. It reflects your financial journey – how you’ve managed loans, credit card bills, and other financial obligations. A favorable credit history assures the bank of your reliability and commitment to maintaining good financial health.

OCBC: A Legacy of Trust and Innovation

OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad, the provider of the OCBC Cashflo Mastercard, is a stalwart in Malaysia’s banking landscape. With over a century of experience, OCBC is renowned for its commitment to customer satisfaction and innovative financial solutions.

Ideal User Profile

The OCBC Cashflo Mastercard is perfect for individuals who:

  • Regularly spend on retail and seek cashback rewards.
  • Need flexible payment options for managing more significant expenses.
  • Prefer a simple, practical credit card experience without complex reward structures.

Application Process: Your Guide to Obtaining the OCBC Cashflo Mastercard

Embarking on the application process for the OCBC Cashflo Mastercard is an exciting journey toward financial empowerment. This process, designed to be seamless and user-friendly, ensures that potential cardholders can easily and clearly navigate each step. Here’s a detailed guide to help you through each stage of the application process:

Step 1: Starting Your Journey

Visit the OCBC Bank Malaysia Website or Mobile App. Your first step is to access OCBC Bank Malaysia’s digital platforms. Whether you prefer browsing on a computer or using a mobile app, both platforms provide an intuitive and secure environment to begin your application. This digital approach signifies OCBC’s commitment to modern, accessible banking solutions.

Step 2: Discovering Your Card

Navigate to the ‘Credit Cards’ Section: Once on the OCBC platform, head to the ‘Credit Cards’ section. This area showcases the various cards offered, including the OCBC Cashflo Mastercard. Here, you can also find detailed information about each card, helping you make an informed decision.

Step 3: Taking the Plunge

Select the OCBC Cashflo Mastercard: After comparing your options, select the OCBC Cashflo Mastercard. This choice reflects your need for a credit card that aligns with your spending habits and financial goals.

Click ‘Apply Now‘: This action will direct you to the application form. Marking your official entry into the application process is a critical step.

Step 4: Filling Out the Application

Complete the Application Form with Your Details. The form will ask for personal and financial information. Providing accurate and complete details is essential, as this information is crucial for the approval process. Transparency and honesty in this step are critical to a smooth application process.

Step 5: The Final Step

Submit Your Application: After double-checking your information, submit your application. This step is more than just a click; it represents your readiness to embrace the financial benefits and responsibilities of the OCBC Cashflo Mastercard.

Patiently Await Approval: The approval process involves a thorough review of your application by the bank. This period is crucial, as the bank assesses your eligibility based on the provided information. Patience is vital during this phase, as the bank works to ensure that the card is a good fit for your financial needs.

Additional Tips:

Keep Documentation Handy: During the application process, having your documents ready can expedite the procedure. This includes your ID, income proof, and other relevant financial documents.

Stay Informed: Keep an eye on your email or phone for any communication from the bank. Prompt responses to any queries from the bank can speed up the process.

Check Your Credit Score: Knowing your credit score beforehand gives you an idea of your eligibility and any areas you need to improve.


Balanced View: Pros and Cons


  • Easy cashback on all spending.
  • Convenient 0% interest installment plans.
  • There are no annual fees, enhancing its cost-effectiveness.


  • The 0.5% cashback rate may be lower than some competitors.
  • Auto-IPP requires a minimum transaction of RM500.
  • Potential late payment fees for missed installments.

Card Activation and Security

To activate your card, sign it, call OCBC’s customer service, and set a personal PIN for secure transactions.

Understanding Fees and Tariffs

Be aware of the late payment fee (RM50), cash advance fee (RM50 or 5%), and a foreign transaction fee of 3.3%.

Customer Support: Always Here to Help

Hotline: 1800 363 3333

Online Banking: OCBC Internet Banking

Mobile App: Available on iOS and Android.